Amendment One Passes
I spent seventeen years living in North Carolina. For ten of those years I was a Minister, and while the last seven years consisted of tumultuous arguments with Christian Fundamentalists, it was still my home. One of the hardest choices I had to make was to leave when the hatred, bigotry and threats from my former brethren and fellow ministers came to a head and it was made very clear that I was not wanted.
On Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, the people of North Carolina voted in favor of Amendment 1, effectively banning any marriage other than that between a man and a woman to be unconstitutional. They have collectively told the LGBT community the same thing they told me…
Get The Fuck Out…
By passing this Amendment, the people of North Carolina have effectively told the entirety of the LGBT community that they are not wanted. That their right to be recognized as equal citizens will not be granted, and that they are incapable of forming and sustaining a loving relationship on the same level of their heterosexual neighbors. So much so, that this bigotry and discrimination should be written into the State Constitution, expressly stating that,
“marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.”What this has accomplished s nothing short of an expression of hatred in the name of the Judeo-Christian God. WWJD – Who Would Jesus Denigrate? Those who voted in favor of this amendment are the lowest of the low. They are the bottom of the barrel, and don’t give a goddamn about efforts to stop the “redefinition of marriage.” All they care about is using their hateful beliefs and their equally hateful interpretation of their holy book to control anyone who does not agree with them. The passage of this archaic, draconian amendment that allows for the legal discrimination of United States Citizens and bottlenecks the efforts of open-minded North Carolinians as well as sympathetic judges brings shame to the entire state. The fact that same-sex unions were already illegal in NC makes the passage of this amendment a legislative bitch-slap.
NC Hates Fags…
This is a complete and total failure of not just the separation of church and state, but of basic human decency. Everything about Amendment One is centered on Fundamentalist Christians shoving their fucked up and inhumane version of morality down the throats of everyone, regardless of the fact that not everyone one in the state are backwards-assed, Christ-psychotic, bigots. They don’t give shit that this can and probably will have a detrimental impact on same-sex couples who receive benefits provided by some municipalities and many private-sector businesses, nor how it will jeopardizing domestic violence protections for women or a host of other problems that are not even on their radar.
All they care about is the fact that they can dance in the aisles of their churches on Sunday and sing, “Victory In Jesus.” But their victory comes at the price of their fellow human being’s humanity, civil rights and equality, which were already extremely nominal to begin with. But their dark, putrid, and bigoted hearts will likely never understand it because those hearts have not just been hardened, they’ve been petrified. They preach that what they do is out of love, and vomit forth hypocritical statements about loving the sinner and hating the sin, but their own bible speaks against them,
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7Billy Fucking Graham…
This ancient throwback to a time even more rife with bigotry is a life-long resident of North Carolina and comes in just under Jesus in popularity with the uber-religious. They worship the ground he walks on, as they do his equally bigoted and backward son “Rock The Fort“ Franklin and his daughter “Just Give Me Jesus” Annie Lotz. Brother Billy expectedly endorsed Amendment One, and took out full-page ads in fourteen North Carolina newspapers touting his support for the measure, saying,
“The Bible is clear — God’s definition of marriage is between a man and a woman.”Like most fundamentalists, Billy assumes with the usual arrogance that his god has authority over everyone by virtue of that error-laden, contradictory and very fallible book that he calls “The Bible.” To make matters worse, he sent word to as many churches as he could, imploring their pastors and administrators to print out or photo copy the ad and plaster it all over their buildings – in spite of IRS regulations that prohibit this. Here’s a reproduction of the ad:
It Ain’t Over…
CNN reports that opponents of the amendment will regroup today and decide what they will do going forward. There are plans for campaigns in many cities across the state this week, and advocacy groups are acknowledging the loss but urging supporters to keep fighting.
Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, the Director of Campaign for Southern Equality, stated,
“We can’t change the results of this vote, but we can determine what comes next. When kids across the state wake up, I want them to know that this story isn’t over.”Another group, Equality North Carolina, plans to hold a news conference today to discuss the amendment. President Obama said he was disappointed by the vote, and described it as discriminatory against gays and lesbians.
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York and the District of Columbia issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. In February, Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire signed a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage beginning in June, but opponents there have pledged to block the bill and called for voters to decide the issue. Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley signed into law a bill that permits the state’s same-sex couples to wed as of January 1.
This Planet Needs An Enema…
I’ve said it before, and I will repeat it here again. The efforts against the civil rights of the LGBT community is at the direct hand of organized religion, which is based on blind obedience to bronze-age superstitions based on ignorance, and propagated by divine tyrants. It was borne out of the terrified infancy of our species. It is an insult to the collective knowledge of human thought and demands unreasonable suppression of human nature.
Yesterday’s passage of Amendment One in North Carolina further solidifies the fact that religion is more harmful than it is worth. It has been used to justify almost every war ever fought and is responsible for horrific blights on our society. Only through religion have we come to know slavery, sexism, racism, homophobia, mutilations, intolerance and the oppression of millions of minorities. It is irresponsible and relies on methods and promises that are ineffective and come at a steep cost to the human species.
Fundamentalist doctrine breeds dangerous, ignorant, uneducated, hate-filled, narrow-minded, bigoted, intolerant, self-righteous fools that have been brainwashed into believing that committing some of the most horrific acts of inhumanity toward their fellow men, women and children are the want, will, desire and command the sick, twisted, perverted, megalomaniac of a deity that they have turned their god into.
They are not only a stain on humanity, but they are also a detriment to all the other Christians who represent their beliefs in a non-judjmental fashion, devoid of hypocrisy and with love that is unconditional.
The passage of Amendment One is a perfect example of humanity gone horribly wrong…
The Bigoted Bullying of our LGBT Youth and the Responsibilities of Parents and Educators
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