(Image Credit: FunnyOrDie.com)
Apr 13, 2012 5:51pm
A group of former child stars banded together in a video to lambast comments Kirk Cameron made in March calling homosexuality “unnatural,” “detrimental,” and “ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”
The video, which was posted on Funny Or Die, featured seven child actors who had formed a group called Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron or CCOKC for short.
“Together we’re pledging to raise awareness about a serious threat to our civil rights–Kirk Cameron’s stupid opinions,” they say in the video.
The spoof public service announcement featured seven former child stars, including Christine Lakin from “Step By Step,” Kenn Michael from “The Parent ‘Hood” and Josie Davis from “Charles In Charge.”
“Look, we’ve met Kirk and he’s a very pleasant guy,” they say. “But Kirk, like all of us, lived and worked in the company of homosexuals for years and I would challenge him to name one thing they ever did to hurt him, his community, or civilization as a whole.”
Cameron’s representative has seen the video but declined to comment.
The actor received backlashfrom the comments, which he made on Piers Morgan but told ABCNews.com he had also received a tremendous amount of support.
“I should be able to express moral views on social issues,” he said, “especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years — without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach ‘tolerance’ that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.”
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