Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:00 PM EST
The other day Rick Santorum attacked President Obama for having a "phony theology," an apparent reference to the President's belief that man should do what he can, whatever he can, to protect this earth on which we all live, the earth that is, not counting the Newt Gingrich plan for lunar colonization, the only place we, our children, their children and forever into the future have to live.
Santorum called this concern for a healthy planet as being a religion that puts the earth "above man." I suppose he's talking about the concern scientists and most thinking people have with climate change and what we are doing to affect it. Anyway, it's all "phony," he says, this serious concern about what we're doing to the earth, all part of a "phony theology."
So I wonder who else believes in this "phony theology" Santorum derides from his electoral pulpit.
Here's someone I came across who believes in climate change and what we need to do about it. It's someone addressing diplomats just last month.
"Environmental protection and the connection between fighting poverty and fighting climate change are important areas for the promotion of integral human development. For this reason, I hope that, pursuant to the seventeenth session of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change recently concluded in Durban, the international community will prepare for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development as an authentic "family of nations" and thus with a great sense of solidarity and toward present and future generations."Who is this figure summoning the nations of the world to band together as a "family" to work on the problem of global climate change? Who is this person dabbling in what Rick Santorum calls "phony theology?
It's Pope Benedict XVI, leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
So where does Santorum get "his" theology on climate change and other environmental concerns. Where does he get this odd language of Christians have "dominion" over the earth? Could he be getting it from the faction known as "dominionists," who also believe that Christians should control civil society as well as their church? Could an American politician really be talking theocracy - control over the state by a religion?
Keep your ears open. This is getting interesting.
Santorum: Climate Science Is Obama’s ‘Phony Theology’
This Sunday, Republican presidential candidate and conspiracy theorist Rick Santorum argued that climate science is President Barack Obama’s “phony theology.” On CBS’s Face The Nation, Santorum was asked to justify his recent controversial claim that President Obama has a “phony theology” that’s not “based on the Bible.” Santorum replied that he was describing the Obama administration’s actions based on the science behind man-made global warming. Obama’s acceptance of science, Santorum said, is a “worldview that elevates the Earth above man“:When you have a worldview that elevates the Earth above man and says that we can’t take those resources because we’re going to harm the Earth; by things that frankly are just not scientifically proven, for example, the politicization of the whole global warming debate — this is all an attempt to, you know, to centralize power and to give more power to the government.Watch it:
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