updated 5:35 PM EDT, Thu March 22, 2012
Columbus, Ohio (CNN) -- President Barack Obama took on critics of his energy policies Thursday, saying in carefully coordinated speeches that they weren't paying attention to increased oil production at home and were misleading the public about the cause of rising gas prices.
"Anyone who says that
we're somehow suppressing domestic oil production isn't paying
attention," Obama said in Cushing, Oklahoma, on the second day of a
four-state tour to tout his policies.
"And anyone who says that
just drilling more will bring gas prices down just isn't playing it
straight," the president continued. " We are drilling more. We are
producing more. But the fact is, producing more oil at home isn't enough
to bring gas prices down overnight."
In Cushing and a later
speech at The Ohio State University, Obama repeated his call for a
diversified policy that increases production of traditional energy
sources such as oil and natural gas while increasing investment in
alternative sources such as solar, wind and hydrogen power to compete in
growing global clean energy markets.
In particular, he
rejected Republican claims that U.S. oil reserves alone offer a solution
to higher gas prices and long-term supplies.
"Even if we drilled every
little bit of this great country of ours, we'd still have to buy enough
from the rest of the world to meet our needs," Obama said in Cushing.
He added that "the price
of oil is set by the global market, and that means every time tensions
rise in the Middle East, so will gas prices at home." In particular,
Obama said, rising tension involving Iran was causing the current spike
in global oil prices.
At Ohio State, Obama
emphasized to a cheering student crowd that since he took office in
2009, "America's dependence on foreign oil has gone down every single
"Even as the economy was
growing, we've made progress in reducing the amount of oil we have to
import because we're being smarter, we're doing things better," the
president said.
The whirlwind trip over
two days followed weeks of criticism of his approach to gas price
increases by Republicans on Capitol Hill and the presidential campaign
"He has an energy policy
that is very simple," Rick Santorum said of the president during a
campaign stop Monday in Illinois. "You can sum it up in two letters,
N-O. He is against everything that will create economic incentives to
Newt Gingrich has made
reducing prices at the pump a central promise of his campaign, telling
voters at a recent event in Birmingham, Alabama, that "an American
president who believed in energy and an American president who believed
in science and technology would drive the price of gasoline below $2."
Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl
sounded a similar refrain after a Republican caucus meeting in early
March, agreeing with the president's all-of-the-above approach, but
adding, "We need it in action, not just words."
A focus of Republican
attacks has been the delay in administration approval of the Keystone XL
oil pipeline from Canada's tar sands production in northern Alberta to
the Gulf Coast.
Keystone pipeline: Separating rhetoric from reality
The Obama administration supports extending the existing Keystone XL pipeline from Cushing, Okla., to the U.S. Gulf Coast.
The Obama administration supports extending the existing Keystone XL pipeline from Cushing, Okla., to the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Last year, the
administration put off a decision until 2013 after protests by
environmentalists concerned about high carbon emissions from tar sands
oil production and objections by Nebraska officials to a route near a
vital aquifer.
Republicans in Congress,
accusing Obama of avoiding the issue until after the November election,
tried to speed the process by tacking a measure requiring an immediate
decision to the temporary payroll tax cut bill last December.
The Obama administration
then rejected the pipeline permit in January, saying an alternate route
from Nebraska had yet to be decided. Since then, Republicans have
persisted in attacking Obama for rejecting the permit.
The president announced
Thursday in Cushing that he was using his executive authority to order
federal agencies to expedite the approval process for large-scale
infrastructure projects like oil pipelines. More specifically, he
ordered the portion of the Keystone XL pipeline running from Cushing to
the Gulf to be placed at the top of the list.
"We're making this new
pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf a priority," Obama said to cheers,
later adding that "as long as I'm president, we're going to keep
encouraging oil development and infrastructure and we're going to do it
in a way that protects the health and safety of the American people. We
don't have to choose between one or the other. We can do both."
Many private companies
-- including TransCanada, the Canadian company behind the Keystone XL
project -- are working to build pipelines that relieve the bottleneck of
oil in Cushing, a major hub for crude oil storage and trade.
While federal agencies
like the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of the Interior have
some involvement in the approval process for the domestic portion of
the pipeline, the federal government has relatively little control when
compared to the absolute say it holds over the portion that crosses the
international border with Canada.
The ultimate
decision-making authority for the pipeline's domestic route lies mainly
with the states it crosses, prompting Republicans to question whether
the president can actually claim any credit for speeding the project
House Speaker John
Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters Thursday that Obama was claiming credit
he didn't deserve on the southern leg of the Keystone pipeline while
continuing to prevent construction on the northern leg from Canada.
"It's already gotten its
approvals and this idea that the president is going to expedite this
will have no impact on the construction of this pipeline," Boehner said
of the Cushing-Gulf Coast portion. "The president has continued to block
development of oil and gas reserves, big reserves, on federal lands.
And he can go out and make all the noise that he wants, but the facts
are there."

Protest against the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline in front of the White House on August 30, 2011.
On Wednesday, Obama
kicked off his energy tour with stops in Boulder City, Nevada, and
Maljamar, New Mexico, to focus on work on alternative energy sources.
The visit to Boulder
City was designed to tout the success of solar technology at the largest
photovoltaic solar facility in the nation. Photovoltaic solar panels
create energy directly from sunlight without the need for any water or
moving parts.
Obama acknowledged the
high prices at the pump, but used the problem as a reason to abandon
federal "subsidies" to oil and gas companies.
"We want to encourage
production of oil and gas, and make sure that wherever we've got
American resources, we are tapping into them," the president said. "But
they don't need an additional incentive when gas is $3.75 a gallon, when
oil is $120 a barrel, $125 a barrel. They don't need additional
incentives. They're doing fine."
What the president calls subsidies, the petroleum industry calls the same tax breaks afforded those in many other industries.
The push to end what
Obama deems to be preferential treatment to a petroleum industry that's
never been more profitable was central to his two-day tour, but the
president also used the trip to push back against those who call federal
aid to the renewable energy industry a waste of money.
"Some of these folks
want to dismiss the promise of solar power and wind power and
fuel-efficient cars," Obama said in Boulder City. "In fact, they make
jokes about it. One member of Congress who shall remain unnamed called
these jobs 'phony' -- called them phony jobs. I mean, think about that
mindset, that attitude that says because something is new, it must not
be real. If these guys were around when Columbus set sail, they'd be
charter members of the Flat Earth Society."
With nearly a million
solar panels spread across 450 acres, Copper Mountain 1 in Boulder City
provides power for roughly 17,000 homes, but employs just 10 full-time
The solar plant's owner,
Sempra U.S. Gas & Power, is in the process of building a second
facility nearby that's set to more than triple the output of Copper
Mountain 1.
Construction of the
second facility -- Copper Mountain 2 -- has created 175 temporary jobs
but, according to Sempra's own projections, the final solar plant will
result in just five full-time positions.
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