Below please find a special message from one of our sponsoring advertisers, Winning Our Future. They have important information to share with you. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our sponsor alone, and not necessarily the opinion of Tea Party Command, INC.
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Please visit for more information on the tea party, events, actions and groups.
Paid for by Winning Our Future. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
"Is The Idea of Mitt Romney Being the Voice and Face of the Conservative Movement for Possibly the Next Eight Years Keeping You Up at Night?"
Don't Let the Establishment Fool You!
The GOP Presidential Nomination Fight Ain't Over. Here's Why…
Dear Fellow Conservative,
In 2008, many conservatives secretly thought to themselves that while electing Barack Obama would be the worst thing that could happen to the country (and it was), electing John McCain would be the worst thing that could happen to the conservative movement (and it would have been).
Well, as Yogi Berra said, it's déjà vu all over again.
Clearly, re-electing Barack Obama would be disastrous for our nation. It'd be the end of our country as we know it…and I say that without an ounce of hyperbole.
And electing Mitt Romney would inevitably force Republicans and conservatives to defend the same kinds of government-expanding programs John McCain would have pushed - such as his anti-free speech McCain-Feingold law.
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. However…
It’s not too late this time.
Indeed, conservatives still have an opportunity to have our cake and eat it, too. We can both defeat Barack Obama next November…AND…do it with a Reagan conservative, not a Massachusetts moderate.
We can nominate Newt Gingrich.
While the elite media is desperately pushing the idea that "Newt can't win," it's simply not so.
- I'll remind you that that's the same thing the media said about Newt leading Republicans to a majority in Congress in 1994.
- And I'll remind you that the elite media declared Newt's campaign "dead" last summer.
- And I'll remind you that the elite media declared Newt's campaign "dead" after Iowa.
- And I'll remind you that the elite media declared Newt's campaign "dead" after Florida.
But like Rocky Balboa, no matter what they've thrown at Newt; no matter how hard or how low they've hit him… he's still standing…and he's still fighting.
And again, quoting the immortal Yogi Berra, it ain't over 'til it's over.
Now here's why it's not over…
While the Romney campaign - aided and abetted by the mainstream media ' continue to talk about winning "states" in this year's GOP nomination process, the rules this time around have been radically changed.
In the "old days," if you won a state you won ALL of the states delegates. However, under new rules for this year's contests, very few states which go to the polls before the end of March including on Super Tuesday next week - are "winner take all."
Which means candidates coming in second, third and even fourth can rack up delegates.
For example: In the February 4 Nevada caucus which Mitt Romney "won" he was awarded 14 delegates. However, Newt picked up 6 delegates, Ron Paul got 5 delegates and Rick Santorum got 3.
Which makes it increasingly less likely that any candidate left in this race is going to wrap up the nomination anytime soon!
So like "Rocky Balboa," we don't need to knock Mitt Romney out in the fifth round on Super Tuesday. We only need to still be standing.
We just need to slowly and methodically continue to rack up enough delegates to get us to the 12th round at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August.
And if we do…all bets are off.
And those in the elite media - who are today saying "it can't be done" - will watch Newt Gingrich do the "impossible" once again.
And two months later… we'll pull the plug on the Obama presidency!
- We'll repeal ObamaCare.
- We'll fire all the czars.
- We'll stop apologizing to terrorists and dictators.
- We'll stop spending our grandchildren into bankruptcy.
- We'll cut the cost of gasoline by drilling here, drilling now.
- We'll stop suing states for trying to enforce our immigration laws.
- We'll put America back to work.
- We'll put small businesses back in business.
With Newt Gingrich in the White House along with Republican control of the House and Senate we will finally realize the promise of 1994s Contract with America, including a dramatically smaller and dramatically restructured government.
But none of those bold changes for America will happen if Republicans nominate a "pale pastel" Massachusetts moderate to go head-to-head with Obama's "Chicago Machine" in November the same machine that rolled over, chewed up and spit out John McCain in 2008.
Indeed, before we get a shot at Obama, we need to win the GOP nomination.
- Now is not the time to "go wobbly."
- Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing another Gerald Ford on us.
- Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing another Bob Dole on us.
- Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing another John McCain on us.
- Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing Mitt Romney on us.
Will you step up?
Can I count on you to help us help Newt stay in the fight all the way to Tampa?
Sincerely yours,
Becky Burkett
Winning Our Future Super PAC
P.S. In 1976, they gave us Gerald Ford. We got Jimmy Carter. In 1996, they gave us Bob Dole. We got Bill Clinton. In 2008, they gave us John McCain. We got Barak Obama. Now they're trying sell us Mitt Romney. Don't let them. Not this time
Winning Our Future Super PAC
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