
Friday, June 24, 2011

Sen, Hutchinson and her plan to save Social Security for America's future.

US Economy: "By The Numbers"

Uploaded by  on Jun 17, 2011
After 28 months of average nine percent unemployment, we hear some leaders in Washington speak casually about "headwinds" and "bumps in the road" and long ago there was something about a "Recovery Summer." Americans may be puzzled and even disturbed by such nonchalance. Americans appreciate concrete facts. Sen Hutchison briefly walks through -- By the Numbers -- where our nation's economy is today.

Sen. Hutchison Speaks on Senate Floor about Her Plan to Save Social Security

Uploaded by  on Jun 22, 2011
Senator Hutchison has introduced her landmark Defend & Save Social Security Act. Her legislation addresses the problem of the impending bankruptcy of Social Security without raising taxes or cutting core benefits. Under current law, retirees' monthly benefits would be cut nearly one-fourth, beginning in 2036. Hutchison's plan would ensure Social Security's solvency by gradually increasing the retirement age (over 16 years) to 69 and instituting a modest one percent reduction in the annual cost-of-living adjustment.

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