
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mr. Schumer: Leave Behind Your "Army of Lobbyists"

Posted by Don Seymour on March 15, 2011
A top Democratic leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), urged Speaker Boehner to stop listening to the American people who are demanding spending cuts to help end some of the uncertainty facing small businesses. But as of yet, Mr. Schumer - who has actively rooted for a government shutdown and failed to offer a credible plan for cutting spending - still hasn't left behind the "army of lobbyists" that is helping Democrats fight to keep the job-crushing spending binge going.
Relying on a lobbyist brigade to fight spending cuts while telling Republicans to "consider leaving" behind concerned Americans isn't the only time Democrats have talked out of both sides of their mouth in recent months. In fact, the 
  • Democrats who run Washington have been divided and all over the map:
  • Democrats claimed they would meet Republicans "halfway" by proposing a measure that cut only $6.5 billion this year ("far short" of the $61 billion in cuts outlined in H.R.1 that economists say would help jumpstart the economy). Then they introduced a bill that was even more inadequate, weighing it with only $4.7 billion in cuts.
  • Then, under Sen. Schumer's leadership, the House-passed H.R.1 received more votes in the Democrat-run Senate than the status quo spending plan put forward by Democratic leaders.
  • A stop Senate leader said we should "stop drawing lines in the sand" on spending. Then a couple weeks later,Reuters reported that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) had drawn a "line in sand" in the budget fight.
  • Senate Democrats rejected the last short-term government funding measure offered by Republicans before they even saw it. Then just days later they voted for the same proposal.
  • After President Obama called for an "adult conversation" on spending, the White House unleashed the DNCagainst reform-minded governors. A public backlash forced the Democrats try to deny their role in fueling the protests.
  • Despite the fact that survey after survey after survey shows Americans want Washington cut spending to help create a better environment for job growth, Sen. Schumer said keeping government spending at current levels for now is “the most logical thing to do.
And the list goes on.
Today the House will continue listening to the American people and will vote on another round of spending cuts to keep the government running while Democrats come to a coherent position. Remember, we're only in this mess because the Democrats who run Washington failed to pass a budget last year. And so the question remains: when will Democrats abandon their "army of lobbyists" and offer a serious plan for cutting spending?

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