
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mario Batali goes on a one week food-stamp diet

My favorite celebrity chef, Mario Bitali (Not!!), supposedly went, or is going, on a one week diet eating on the equivalent of the money people receive for food-stamps. Maybe, just maybe this fat f**k can finally lose an ounce or two.
Below is a piece from The Braiser featuring a Mediaite clip from Fox’s Red Eye in which Greg Gutfeld and his panel discuss Batali’s new weight loss program.
See here.
NOTE TO EDITORS AT THE BRAISER: It’s Greg Gutfeld NOT Gutfield! I know all those Jewish names probably all sound the same to you, but for the sake of journalistic accuracy – just saying.
The more likely reason Batali is pulling this stunt probably has to do with the recent publicity of the millions he and his partner were ordered to pay staff at his 8 NYC restaurants for stealing their tips. See here.
By the way, this big mouthed ingrate also jumped in bed with the OWS crowd late last year, then had to run and apologize to his many Wall Street patrons. See here.
Nice ploy your PR people came up with, Mario. But you aren’t fooling everyone with your sorry-ass “awareness campaign.” Speaking of awareness, whenever Batali opens his big stupid mouth, more and more people become aware of the fact that he’s an asshole!

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