
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why the black housing crisis is about to get worse

 Gizelle Georges and her boyfriend Eddy Auguste look out the window of the home she owns currently under foreclosure April 1, 2010 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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So Sad
Since June is National Homeownership Month, there's no better time to examine the state of homeownership in the U.S.
Unfortunately, for many blacks, the American dream of homeownership is quickly fading.
After peaking at 50 percent in 2006, the African-American homeownership rate has now fallen to 44.8 percent, Census Bureau data show. By comparison, the homeownership rate for whites in the U.S. is 74.1 percent, and the nation's overall homeownership rate currently stands at 66.4 percent.
Near-term, the outlook for black homeownership isn't good. Over the long run, it's downright scary, according to consumer advocates, civic leaders and others.
The Center for Responsible Lending calculates that about 11 percent of African-American homeowners are in some stage of foreclosure, and that 1.1 million black families will lose their homes by 2012.
Sadly, the alarmingly low number of black homeowners is likely to dip further this decade due to a variety of factors.
First, politicians are proposing to drastically revamp rules concerning mortgages, making it tougher to get loans by requiring all homeowners to put at least 20 percent down when buying a property. That would take the vast majority of blacks -- and indeed all consumers -- out of the pool of potential homebuyers.
If the new requirement -- known as the Qualified Residential Mortgage Rule, or QRM -- takes effect, "homeownership, as we know it, could be a thing of the past," says Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League.
Housing experts agree.
In April, a coalition of trade groups including the National Association of Realtors, the National Association of Homebuyers and the Mortgage Bankers Association issued a joint report, opposing QRM and saying it would take 14 years for the typical American family to save enough money to amass a 20 percent down payment.
Should QRM pass, "that would pretty much shut down the real estate market," says Julius Cartwright, President Elect of NAREB, the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, a black trade group. "Even when the economy was at its best, few blacks had a 20 percent down payment," Cartwright notes.
A series of ongoing challenges from the banking industry is also eroding black homeownership.

As the collapse of the housing market lingers on, African-Americans are being disproportionately impacted by bank lending practices, including stricter credit score requirements, a severe decline in loans made to blacks, and predatory lending that has made it difficult for black homeowners with costly subprime loans to swap out of those mortgages and exchange them for more affordable home loans.
"The subprime lenders came in and gave us loans," says Cartwright. But once the subprime market dried up, and FHA loans insured by HUD became "the only game in town," new bank guidelines once again tripped up many renters looking to make the leap to homeownership, he says.
For instance, even though qualifying for FHA loans is supposed to be based on affordability -- as indicated by one's debt-to-income ratio - these loans are increasingly being granted only to those with excellent credit scores.
In years past, the typical borrower who received a government-backed HUD loan had a FICOcredit score of 573, Cartwright says. (FICO scores range from 300 to 850 points). These days, the average HUD loan recipient has a 729 average credit score.
HUD hasn't changed its guidelines. It still says borrowers with credit scores as low as 580 are eligible for mortgages. But lenders have imposed their own, tougher criteria on consumers -- demanding ever-higher credit scores of mortgage applicants. (Read these tips to improve your credit score).
Needless to say, its not just blacks who struggle with low credit scores. A recent Zillow studyfound that 30 percent of all homebuyers seeking home loans are locked out of the mortgage market because of poor credit. 

Finally, current and prospective African-American homeowners are being hurt by high levels of unemployment. The jobless rate for blacks now tops 16 percent nationwide. It's obviously tough to buy or refinance a home - much less save it from foreclosure - if you don't have a steady paycheck.
Add it all up and it's no surprise that many blacks who do already own homes are struggling to save those properties.
Amid the national debate over housing policy, some people say that certain blacks -- and others who lack substantial savings or great credit -- simply aren't prepared to be homeowners.
That's an idea that irks Maurice Jourdain-Earl, head of ComplianceTech, a Virginia research firm that has documented a 60 percent decline in mortgage lending to blacks during the Great Recession.
"It angers me because many people miss the boat," says Jourdain-Earl. "We should have a system in place where home ownership is attainable for everyone who wants to own -- as opposed to immediately saying: 'Well, they just need to rent an apartment."
"It's like saying: 'We just need to go put them back on the plantation,'" Jourdain-Earl says, adding that owning and renting are two hugely different things -- particularly since a home provides an enormous opportunity for wealth building and creating a strong financial legacy.
Overall, Jourdain-Earl characterized as "bleak" the economic outlook for African-Americans -- largely due to the housing meltdown.
"Looking at historical data," he said, "credit is tight and access to credit is diminished. Thus access to home ownership, which leads to an access to wealth, has been disrupted."

  • EbonyTatas007Collapse
    Let me see if I have the cycle correct here:

    1)       Blacks complain they don’t have access to credit and can’t afford to buy homes
    2)      Government encourages private banks to relax lending standards to low-income borrowers whose loans are later insured by Fannie and Freddie
    3)      Blacks take advantage of cheap credit and increase homeownership
    4)      Eventually these people realize they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into and accuse banks of predatory lending (whatever that is........) 
    5)      Government creates stricter lending policies for banks to adhere to, tightening up credit for everyone
    6)      Blacks complain they don’t have access to credit and can’t afford to buy homes

    Am I missing something here?

  • lizazabc
    The self seggregation on this site never ceases to amaze me. The same issues impacting the "black community" are impacting the entire community. How about we work together to solve for it....instead of running to our typical victim mentality. Owning a home is not a right. It just isn't. If you can't afford it...if you haven't factored in the financial had times before you bought your house...if you can't show financial responsibility by having a down shouldn't buy a house...period. Back in the days when this was required, we didn't have this problem.

  • Please understand how the banking industry (and in Georgia, the lawyers assist them) do this and never allow it to happen again:

  • We know how to spend we do not know how to save for these dark/rainy days for instance I have heard a dollar comes into the African American  community and goes right back out, the same dollar turns seven times before leaving the Chinese/Japanese community, Even most Mexicans will not shop where their kind is not working, we on the other hand run over folk getting to the  nail and hair store Why?  we are  the ones that are stupid where is our grocery store, we have beauticians that only want to glue something instead of grow our hair...we do not have any black car dealer ships, no banks we are totally dependent on the crumbs they are allowing us to have and since we are not standing up we are laying down for anything...I had a hot water heater go out a black man refuse to do the job... I called a friend and he knew a Mexican man who came and installed the water heater I gave him a $20.00 tip because he was prompt and did a good job

  • It was intentional financial crash by the Wall Street thugs. They called it "creative financing" and found a way to carry on with slavery-type ethics without legally calling it slavery. Live, learn and teach the future generations never to let it happen again.

  • Whites will never agree to Obama's reparations/re-distribution of wealth of their hard-earned dollars.  They are sick of 45+ years of parasitic fatherless welfare garbage sucking the nation dry and only giving back crime, violence, and immorality.

    Just sayin'.

  • The only hard-earned dollars in America belong to black people and their ancestors who worked for it without compensation for more than 350 years. The money in this country was never yours to begin with. It wasn't then, it still isn't now. It was pure theft on all counts, and you know it or you wouldn't keep spewing racist BS. Blacks don't have a thing they didn't earn or that their ancestors did not earn for them. Don't get it twisted. Their BILLIONS of dollars and hard work, as well as the supra-BILLIONS of their slave ancestors enriched this nation in more ways than you will ever acknowledge, so quitcherbitchin and go get a real job and act like a real man on your side of town.

  • greg50977
    Boo whoo. Right, becasue the blacks established the system oif currency. They come up with the idea of banks and a national treasury. They invested their money into capital. Blacks, while they did make a major contribution to the labor of this country, they are not solely resaponsible for making it. Wealth comes from ideas and education. Wealth comes from people starting and running buisnesses. before you make ignorant comments, maybe you should read a book or two on financial systems. I would start with The Wealth of Nations. And, if blacks make all that money, why don't they control it anymore? Aren't they smart enough or strong enough to figure out how to keep it? Can't they be accountable to themselves. You can say whatever you want, but you claim the success of white sis due directly to blacks, but yet blacks can't generate anything for themselves? They are dependant on whites treating them fairly or unfairly? That is pretty pathetic and weak. Be responsible to yuor self. Make your own way in life.

  • Eric Knight
    I feel that one important factor that this article misses is the effect the decrease in home buyers will have on the average home price.. Due to the requirement of 20% down, and significantly higher credit ratings needed to obtain a mortgage, there will be a lot less buyers in the market, yet, the same amount of houses on the market.. This will have the obvious effect of reducing the cost of an average home.  This is exactly what we have been seeing over the last few years, and these rules will only amplify the decrease in home prices, we have been seeing.  As home prices decrease, more families will be able to afford a 20% down, thus increasing the demand for housing.  Eventually, housing prices will stabalise when the demand for housing from qualified buyers matches the supply.  The reason that this needs to happen, is that the housing prices are way over valued in america, making it virtually impossible for the average family to put 20% down. A good review in this area is a lecture given by the Director of the  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren ( explains, that even though income of the average american family has increased over...
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  • EbonyTatas007
    Very good post.

  • blacktangent
    blacks are unqualified to own homes. Deal with the truth for once. We shouldn't have another mortgage collapse cause blacks feel more special than everyone else.

  • Mali_Nemesis_Vindicator
    All blacktangents are unqualified to give opinions. Deal with the truth for once, you hillbilly skidmark. We shouldn't have another word from you until you move out your granny's basement, learn about mortgage-back securities and how they sank the economy, numbnuts. Till then I'm gonna make you look as dumb as you sound every time you poke your crap-smeared head out your little puckered hidey hole.

    Of course, what else would you expect from an inbred country bumpkin with a third grade education and an over-inflated sense of entitlement. Its mouth-breathing FOX News zombies like you who keeps keeps the plutocrats of the world in power. Damn you're dumb, tangent. (Now go home and get your shine box.)

  • what we are seeing is the reality of what clinton, frank and dodd did with their let anyone get a home no matter if they can pay for it mentality. far too many (mostly blacks and latins) were put in a position that with a few errors in common sense allowed them something that they could not pay for then and less so now. it was only the real estate bubble that kept them in these homes for the past years.  do i think they should own a home? of course, the same as anyone; anywhere. be they white, black, brown or yellow.
    BUT there must be an understanding of what a family can afford based on the reality of their income not based on alleged future raises or increases in property value. when i buy a home, it is ALWAYS based on my income and never what my wife earns. yes, we could get much bigger/ nicer homes if combined but i always used hers as the frosting on the cake. repairs/ improvements or if i was not working. then we still could afford our payments
    while the new rules seem especially harsh, those who get their homes will...
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ebony capamericaCollapse
I believe that Hippo House makes the real point, the "system is progressing according to plan" !, There is no doubt that the place the BLACK COMMUNITY occupies within the socio-economic policy, of our nation is not by accident the REASON there is that 2% of the population that has for GENERATIONS controlled western civilizations monetary system is because of this PLAN !.Housing has ALWAYS been the GREAT FIGHT BLACKS HAVE FOUGHT, HOME OWNERSHIP IS CORE TO HUMAN INDEPENDENCE and therefor in order to MAINTAIN THAT HISTORIC UNDERCLASS (historically and mainly , BLACKS ), HOME -OWNERSHIP IS STILL THE FIGHT, this in a macro-way is our collective "TEACHABLE MOMENT" , we must see the CONSTANT and MALICOUS ATTACKS ON PRESIDENT OBAMA as NOT JUST DEFENDING BARRACK OBAMA ! No the attacks on the President are on WHAT HE REPRESENTS to this HISTORIC PLAN , the CHANGE (REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH ) is a SANE EFFECTIVE APPROACH TO SOLVING THIS HISTORIC INJUSTICE and MONETARY DISASTER, ( we are seeing that an entire nation cannot put the economic welfare of a FEW above the needs of the MANY )....Obamas policies are at the HEART of the traditional (post 1965) NATIONAL PLATFORM OF THE...
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