
Sunday, June 12, 2011



Here are some of the stories I wish were getting a little more attention today!
  • First up is a great piece of video in which Iowa state Sen. Shawn Hammerlinck (R) tells students he doesn't want them lobbying him. Here it is:
new poll finds that a big majority of Americans think the economy will suffer serious harm if we default. Some of them want to do it anyway. Which means some Americans out there value their apocalyptic Tea Party ideology over th future of the nation itself. Shocker. 

  • Two government reports fail to find US getting anything for the billions it spends. But we'll keep throwing billions of borrowed dollars at this problem because our politics makes it hard to do otherwise.
  • This one got some play, but not enough. Imagine if a Republican president were running military operations in four countries simultaneously, with congressional authorization for only one of them?  
  • Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) will charge the poor a fee for the drug tests they must take to get welfare.
  • And a good point about the Anthony Weiner scandal. Why do Republicans like Vitter and Ensign get away with it? Because Democrats let them.
What have I missed? Put 'em in the comments!

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