
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In Their Words: Republicans Said Focus On Jobs, Not Health Care

January 19, 2011

As Republicans prepare to vote on a bill they know won’t go anywhere, they are ignoring their own advice by focusing on repealing health care benefits over job growth – which Speaker Boehner described as “the number one issue on the minds of our fellow citizens.” As Senator McConnell said, “there is no reason the two parties can’t work together on achieving these goals.” Democrats agree, and hope Republicans will put politics aside and work with us on finding common-sense ways to help the middle class prosper.
Speaker of the House John Boehner: “When are we going to address the number one issue on the minds of our fellow citizens? When are we going to focus on the economy and getting people back to work, instead of all of the job-killing policies that we're seeing move through this Congress? When are we going to begin to listen once again to the American people who sent us here to do their work?” [Boehner Release, 3/26/10]??
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: “The American people want us to put aside the left-wing wish list and work together on helping to create jobs and restore the economy to health and prosperity. There is no reason the two parties can’t work together on achieving these goals.” [McConnell Speech, 11/4/10]??
Senator Jon Kyl: “The American people have been telling Washington that promoting job growth must be the first priority.” [Republican Weekly Radio Address, 4/26/10]
Senator Scott Brown: “They want their President and Congress to focus on creating jobs and reviving America's economy.” [Republican Weekly Radio Address, 3/12/10]??

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: “In his speech to representatives of small businesses and contractors who belong to the trade group, Cantor said President Barack Obama has gone from being the ‘hope and change candidate of 2008’ to creating disillusionment by concentrating on health care when he should have been seeking to promote jobs and the economy.” [Richmond Times Dispatch, 3/31/10]??

Governor Haley Barbour: “You know, it’s interesting that the American people have been saying from the day Barack Obama got sworn in, jobs are the biggest issue in the country, get our economy back going, it`s the biggest issue for the country.” [CBS Face The Nation, 1/31/10]

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