
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hillary Clinton says Secretary of State likely my 'last public position'

By Jordan Fabian 12/03/10 12:02 PM ET

Amid murmurs she could again run for president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday that her current post is likely her "last public position."
Clinton — a former senator and first lady — brushed aside talk that she might make another run for the White House after her 2008 primary defeat at the hands of Barack Obama.

"No, I'm not," Clinton told an audience of students in Bahrain, according to Reuters. "I think I'll serve as secretary of state as my last public position and then probably go back to advocacy work, particularly on behalf of women and children."
The 63-year-old wife of former President Bill Clinton has already tamped down rumors that she would seek another White House run in 2012 or 2016. But her remarks Friday are some of her most specific comments on her political future.
Speculation surrounding Clinton's next move has swirled ever since she lost her closely contested race against Obama more than two years ago.
Talk accelerated when veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward said in October that a 2012 ticket featuring Obama and Clinton as the running mate was "on the table" and again after Democrats were handed a series of defeats in the November midterm elections.
The Woodward report was also dismissed by the White House and Clinton.
Clinton on Friday said the myriad responsibilities of the Oval Office can take its toll on presidents.
"Every president, if you watch what they look like when they come into office, you can see their hair turn white because it's such a hard job," she said.

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