
Monday, December 13, 2010

Cantor: Obama Should Request HCR Case Go Straight To SCOTUS

In response to a federal judge's ruling that part of the new health care law is unconstitutional, incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has called on the President and Attorney General Eric Holder to speed up the process and get the case quickly to the Supreme Court. In a statement, Cantor lauded the ruling as a "clear affirmation that President Obama's health care law is unconstitutional."
"I call on President Obama and Attorney General Holder to join Attorney General Cuccinelli in requesting that this case be sent directly to the U.S. Supreme Court," Cantor said. "In this challenging environment, we must not burden our states, employers, and families with the costs and uncertainty created by this unconstitutional law, and we must take all steps to resolve this issue immediately."
Read the full statement:

"Today's ruling is a clear affirmation that President Obama's health care law is unconstitutional. The efforts of Governor McDonnell and Attorney General Cuccinelli have raised legitimate concerns and ensured that the people of the Commonwealth will have their rights protected against this unconstitutional law. Ultimately, we must ensure that no American will be forced by the federal government to purchase health insurance they may not need, want, or be able to afford.
"To ensure an expedited process moving forward, I call on President Obama and Attorney General Holder to join Attorney General Cuccinelli in requesting that this case be sent directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. In this challenging environment, we must not burden our states, employers, and families with the costs and uncertainty created by this unconstitutional law, and we must take all steps to resolve this issue immediately.
"Further, once the new Republican Majority assumes control of the House in January, we will pass a clean repeal of ObamaCare. Once that measure is passed, I hope that Leader Reid and the U.S. Senate will finally listen to the majority of Americans who oppose ObamaCare and follow suit."

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