
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Senators answer questions about health reform!

 MomsRising members'

We received lots of great questions from our members across the nation asking about how health reform will impact children, moms, dads, and families; so we went straight to the source - the Senators who wrote the legislation.
Want the lowdown on healthcare reform and how it impacts you directly from the source? Check out these great videos of Senators answering questions from MomsRising members, like:
* Click on the pictures below to watch each video

See videoSenator Tom Udall answers questions from MomsRising members about how:
  • • To take advantage of new provisions to allow young adults of up to age 26 to stay on their parents insurance policies, and
  • • Health reform will control costs of insurance.
See videoSenator Jeff Merkley answers questions from MomsRising members about:
  • • New legislation passed in health reform to facilitate breastfeeding in the workplace, and
  • • What incentives there are in health reform to prevent diseases before they start.
See videoSenator Robert Menendez answers questions from MomsRising members about how health reform helps:
  • • People who have expensive and poor coverage through their employers,
  • • Moms with postpartum depression and other mental health issues, and
  • • Children with special needs
Do your friends a favor! Research shows that many people are unsure about how healthcare reform will help their families. You can take a second now to share all this great info with friends and family by clicking here.

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